Report recipient security upgrade!

We've enhanced the security of the screenshot links sent out

Posted by Cam on November 22, 2019

Granular Permissions

You can now limit report recipients to only receive screenshots from certain devices. This can be great if a husband or wife wish to send their screenshots to a trusted friend, but want to view screenshots from their other family members themselves.

To get started, simply go to If you wish to limit an existing report recipient, you must first delete them and then re-add them with the appropriate limits.

Security Upgrade

All emails containing links to access screenshots will now require report recipients to login. In order to view screenshots, you do NOT need to subscribe or pay but you must create an account using the email that receives the screenshots and login with that account.

If you run into any issues accessing the screenshots, please refresh the page by swiping down or clicking F5 key on the keyboard. You may have an older version of the website cached.

If you have any questions or suggestions please reach out at

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